Long Crichel Bakery
Long Crichel Bakery
Long Crichel Bakery


In a derelict Georgian stable block, a bakery organised around a large wood fired oven, where all the baking is done.  The oven is lined inside with fire brick and faced with calcium silicate brick.  The timber for fuel comes from local managed woodlots.  The bakery produces mainly big sourdough loaves, baked directly on the floor of the oven.  Bread making is done by hand, but the work is hard on building fabric and demands tough finishes.  What was left of the original doors to the carriage bays were incorporated into the new work.  Where this wasn't possible, they have been removed and stored on site for future reuse.  The building was made weather tight with glass and timber screens fitted behind the stable doors.  Old floor finishes - stone and cobbles - have been retained intact but protected with new finishes, which float over them.  New services are surface run to minimise disturbance to the original finishes and structure.
